We believe that God is the Creator Of Heaven and Earth (Genesis 1:1). We believe that God planted a seed in a virgin named Mary (Luke 1:26-38). We believe that THEY had a Son named Jesus (Luke 1:31, Luke 2:21). We believe that Jesus during his life taught and healed many people (Read all Matthew, Mark, Luke and John to get the full view of who Jesus was and is) We believe as His Father's Word says, He was beaten and bruised for our sins(Isaiah 53:5). So, we can have a choice to serve God or satan but you can not choose both (Matthew 6:24). We believe that Jesus was sinless. He was a sacrifice for us because, none other could stand in his place (Isaiah 7:13-17, 9:6-7) We believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins Also to fullfill what his Father said in His Word. He did all of this so, we could have a choice.( John 3:16, 1 Corinthians 15:3, Galatians 1:4, 1John 2:2, 1John 4:10) We believe that Jesus rosed on the third day (Matthew 16:21, 17:23, 20:19, 1Corinthians 15:4. We believe that many witnessed His resurrection.(Luke 24:13-53) We believe while Jesus was alive that He taught those that was among him, about His coming again (Matthew 28 chapt., Mark 16:14-20, Luke 24 chapt., John 21 chapt. Acts 1: 10-11, Revelation 3:11, 22:7, 22:12, 22:20). We believe that he didn't leave us but, instead gave us something that can help keep us from doing evil and help us keep our mind continuously on God.(Acts 1:4-11) When Jesus went back to live with his Father...We believe He is sitting on the right hand of His Father, praying that the World (Sinners) will soon see the Light(God's Truth) in us (Christians) that they (The sinner) may come to get to know Him (JESUS) as their Personal Lord and Savior. And He's also praying for the christians to stay in Him because, He told us that the World is going to hate us just because We believe in Him.(Matthew 26:64, Mark 14:62, 16:19, Luke 20:42, 22:69) We believe that through ANYONE that confesses with their MOUTHS that Jesus Christ Is their LORD AND SAVIOR. Believing with All their heart that they can't live their lives all by themselves, that they need some one Greater(JESUS). If they(YOU) do this. They(YOU) are SAVED! From ALL their sins!!!! (Romans 10:9) We believe that you must then study the Word of God (the BiBle), get with someone that knows about the Bible and study together (Psalms 40:8-10, Proverbs 6:20-23, Romans 12:9-21 Stay in prayer (keep the comunication line open with God) and fast as needed (Isaiah 58:6-14, Matthew 17:21, 1 Thessalonians 5:17). This will draw you closer to understanding God and His will for you, your life and your surroundings (Ephesians 5:17, Psalms 73:28, Hebrews 10:22). Note: If you don't know where to start in the bible. The best Place to Start is in the beginning to know and understand God and why He had to take on other parts for you (this is explained more in detail below).
Do we believe in Baptism? <BR>
Yes,It's the re-enactment of Jesus Life, death and resurrection.(Mark 10:35-45)
Do we believe in the Trinity? <BR>
YES and NO. We do not believe that GOD is 3 gods (God, the Father, God, the Son and God, the Holy Spirit)...Why you ask? Well, We only believe that they were one in the same. there's only One God. He just had parts to do. Let me explain...Do you have a family? A family usually have a Father, a Mother and a child(ren). well, each of these parts have a role, right? But, they are still ONE. A FAMILY (ONE FAMILY with different parts) The same as God. One God that show us different parts of himself. A marriage is told the same in the Bible. A man and a woman becoming as what? ONE!!!! God shows himself through many things here on earth becoming as one. But, the best thing I ever seen is a marriage and a family that sticks through life, in whatever comes their way. I don't see too much of this in our society now. (John 10:30, 17:20-26, 1John 5:7 But, rest for sure GOD IS GOD! And to do what he did proves that HE IS AWESOME!!!! ***Remember to press the golden cross on the side and use the bible online, if you like***
Who is behind all that we do?<BR>
Well, to tell you the true, we are all family. No ones the head and no ones the tail. We all try to stay on one accord through a lot of prayer. We all want to teach people, that if we just minister to one another, learn, pray and do for one another. We wouldn't have to answer that question above. We are all in this together. But...if you looking for someone to blame the starting of all this on... then we must say it's Ministers Leonard & Lita Williams's fault. But until then we plead the 5th...LOL.
***Wisdom From the Heart***
"A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ships are built for."-- William Shedd
Even if you live a long time, don't take a single day for granted. Take delight in each light-filled hour. -- Ecclesiastes 11:8
Time never looks back. It successfully achieves many things. Are you racing with time or are you just getting older? --Lita W.